Welcome To Cyber Doctor

Optimizing Cybersecurity In The Digital Age
Browse a wide array of Information Systems security solutions and protect your network and systems today.
Welcome To Cyber Doctor
Browse a wide array of Information Systems security solutions and protect your network and systems today.
Dr. Harrison O. Harrison is a Doctor of Computer Science, Chief Information Security Officer, US Army Combat Veteran with expertise in Local Government, Industrial Control System, Laboratory Information System, DoD Information Systems, and Enterprise Network Security. He holds certifications such as C|CISO, CISM, CISA, CRISC, Security+...
Solution-oriented, transformational CISO with demonstrated expertise across all facets of information security. A cybersecurity expert with top US security clearances, and a record of exemplary service building and leading multiple cybersecurity task forces across various US military branches, local government and highly regulated industries. A change agent and servant leader who drives needed organizational transformations and turnarounds that optimize the security of mission-critical data, systems, and people and inspire individuals and teams to learn more, achieve more, and serve as a vessel for service excellence to others and the organizations.
Get Governance, Risk and Compliance advise from the expert
The proliferation of the internet coupled with the rise of social media has changed how we communicate over the digital media. While Facebook, Instagram, Cafemom, Classmates.com and other social media sites provide a platform to interact with each other, build relationships with people we meet on the web, and enable us to stay in touch with our friends and families.
This new-found socialization can be detrimental in the bigger picture. For example, when people air their entire life on social media because they think it’s cool, this action may come with a hefty price: your intentional or un-intentional actions may lead to exposing sensitive information that can be utilized by cybercriminals to cause grave damage to your organizations. See full article here http://www.cyberdefensemagazine.com/newsletters/january-2017/index.html
The industrial control system plays a pivotal role in our livelihood, supporting critical infrastructures such as electricity, water supply, transportation, oil, gas, communication, and manufacturing, to mention the least. We depend on ICS for economic sustainability, wealth creation, and national security. These systems function by monitoring complex industrial processes that provide us with an abundance of water supply to our homes, electricity and natural gas, extraction of crude oil, development of our weapon systems, railways transportation, traffic control systems, air control systems, manufacturing processes, and other essential services across the globe. As such industrial control systems are a prime target of nation-state attacks, advanced persistent threats attacks, and industrial espionage attacks. https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/63055792/cyber-defense-emagazine-february-2020-edition
The explosive rise of social media has inundated web users with an abundance of information. Social media platform provides the avenue for people to interact with each other, share ideas, and consume information. Although social media can be a great way to connect with family, friends and others.it can also pose many dangers. Let’s explore these dangers of social media. Read full article here http://www.cyberdefensemagazine.com/social-media-dangers-what-you-must-know
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